ATTENTION: Dream Job Available!
Building on the renewed success of the 2009 TEDx Terry Talks in October, we are looking to hire two students to work on the planning of next year’s event. The two lucky students will do the following:
- Work as a member of the Terry Team on all aspects of planning, coordination, and promotion of TEDx Terry Talks 2010.
- Provide ongoing support to UBC Terry Project initiatives.
- Develop content for the Terry Blog.
This position may be shared with the Office of Student Development and will have complementary responsibilities in that unit and will work closely with their staff team.
The positions are full-time (35 hours/week) starting at the beginning of May and ending at the beginning of September. The ideal candidate would be available for part-time work during the academic year.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 11, 2010. If you are interested in the Terry positions or other job opportunities with Student Development please check out the position descriptions and complete the application.
For additional information contact Chad Hyson.
On a personal note: This is the job to get on campus if you like anything Terry related. Apply now!