Posts from the ‘sustainability’ category

UBC Reads Sustainability

UBC Reads Sustainability is a new event series on campus showcasing authors of prominent books on sustainability. We’re working hard on bringing in prominent thinkers with…

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Thinking Critically About our Diet

Gordon Katic says: What is critical thinking? What isn’t critical thinking? How do we know if our convictions have been arrived at by sound reasoning or…

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Well this is a little sad. Americans waste approximately 40% of the food they produce.

Courtesy of this paper at the Public Library of Science. This is pretty bad. Basically, the authors attempt to quantify food waste by calculating global food…

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FAQ – The Blue Gold – How much is it worth to us? (Huft Mix)

We utilize it for washing and waste disposal, employ it for transportation, power generation and irrigation, use it for cooking and after all need it to…

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The cultural and environmental philosophy of your coffee cup.

O.K. so maybe the title is a bit on the heavy side, but I’ve always noticed a few interesting things regarding my coffee cup, more so…

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Seminar! A CO2-sequestering geothermal power plant

Martin Saar from the University of Manitoba will be presenting, “A CO2-sequestering geothermal power plant.”  Unfortunately, there was no abstract provided, and I am unable to…

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UBC Students: Is Sustainability Important to You?

We all know that students have become very passionate about sustainability. Now is your chance to let the UBC administration know how important it is and…

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Buses that run like subways

The New York Times had a neat article today on buses that run like subways. These buses are fast, can efficiently manage hundreds of commuters at…

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Trek to Save the UBC Farm

Have you been wondering what’s been going on with the UBC Farm lately? If so, this news release from the AMS has a nice summary: PAST:…

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The sad destination of a lot of plastic water bottles….

I just saw an interesting and quite terrifying video on TED about where our garbage often ends up – with detrimental consequences for animals and ocean…

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