So, who wants to speak at TEDxTerryTalks? Applications are being accepted now.
You are in a room, abuzz with the frenetic activity of 400 engaged and enthusiastic audience members. Two cameras are trained upon your every move, and in your ear and mouth is your audio piece – technology to capture everything you do and say. The stage, you note, is marked by the colour red, and presented with the iconic letters looming large. And in the corner of your eye, Han Solo is there – he’s got your back.
In hindsight, it all happened pretty quickly – you applied, waited some time, made the cut (yay), and with the help of your team, old friends and new, you were coached. And then you practiced, practiced, practiced.
And now, here you are. You’re nervous as shit, but that’s o.k. You care very deeply about the things you are about to talk about – which is why in the end, you realize, it’ll be all worth it.
Here we go…
So now that you’ve read this far, you may be wondering what this TEDxTerryTalks thing is exactly – or even better, you may be curious about how to be a speaker at the next 2013 TEDxTerryTalks? Anyway, it’s pretty simple; we’re not going to ask for much – just a low key video and a super short application. The application deadline is Friday, September 27th at 11:59PM, and you never know…
If you want to check out some previous talks, go check out this TEDxTerryTalks link and peruse the different years. Full details can be found here, and see you November!