Posts by Sam Fenn

The Terry Project on CiTR #55: After the Disaster

On this episode of The Terry Project we look at humanity in the face of disaster. First–we meet Christine Lang, a survivor of the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake;…

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The Terry Project on CiTR #54: Christmas and the Psychology of Human Kindness

On the latest episode of the Terry Project on CiTR–we look at four experiments about Christmas and human kindness. What impact can a Christmas tree have on us…

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Meet One of UBC’s Protesters Against Tuition Increases

On December 2nd, UBC’s Board of Governors voted unanimously to raise tuition on international students–by 10% and by a subsequent 3% for the next four years.…

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Chretien and Martin More to Blame for High Student Debt than Harper

This is a preview of a story that will air on tomorrow’s podcast. Subscribe today to get that episode sent straight to your smart phone. Yesterday UBC’s…

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Reimagining Higher Education: A Discussion with Udi Mandel of Enlivened Learning

Blog post by Rebekah Parker “Learning takes place in the heart, the hands and the home, not just in the head. What does that mean for…

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Student Protests Around the World

Blog Post by Terry Project Researcher Eric Bing UBC’s proposed tuition and residence fee increases have been met with significant outcry from students, and triggered the…

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TEDx Terry Talks 2014: the Podcasts!

Every year, the Terry Project holds a student speaker series called the TEDx Terry Talks. Here are the audio podcasts of every talk this year. Swinzle…

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The Terry Project on CiTR #50: The 7th Annual TEDx Terry Talks (Highlights)

Every year the Terry Project puts on an event called the TEDx Terry Talks. It’s one of the only TED events in the world to exclusively…

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How Canadian Spies “Stack the Deck” Against the Left

Listen to historians Reg Whitaker and Greg Kealey (authors of the book Secret Service) tell stories from Canada’s sordid history of political policing: In 1920–in the…

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These guys live in Vancouver, pay next to nothing for rent and throw epic parties [somewhat NSFW photos]

On yesterday’s episode of Terry Project on CiTR we profiled Vlad and Andrew, two young guys who pay around $360 each a month to live in a big house…

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