So with Halloween and all, what does the average UBC student dress up as these days?

Seriously, just leave a comment letting us know what you’re going as (or if, instead, you’re the sort who refuses to dress up). I’ll be doing my standard Jedi Knight costume, but only because that gives me an excuse to buy a cool toy lightsaber.

Tell me this isn't awesome. Click on the image to see more

Finally, and still on the subject of cool things: don’t forget to check out the upcoming TEDxTerry Talks conference. It’s going to be epic! (register here – tickets going quick, so if you think you’re interested, it’s probably best to get them sooner rather than later).

Anyway… back to you. What’s your costume?

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David (@ng_dave) is Faculty at the Michael Smith Labs. His writing has appeared in places such as McSweeney's, The Walrus, and He plans on using Terry as another place to highlight the mostly science-y links he appreciates. In fact, if you liked this one, you might also like his main site generally - this can be found at