CLC Art Space, Dec. 10 @ 3:00
Oh, and a shameless plug for a program I’m running. Interfaculty projects are getting talked about a lot these days (check out the IF (Integrated Forum) proposal from the Terry Talks here if you don’t know about it yet). I’m organizing a series of events that give people from all across campus a chance to get their art displayed and performed. Seems to me that there’s too much isolation around campus… music students do their own thing in their own building, creative writing students are off in their corner, same with the visual artists, and students who aren’t in a creative arts program are left out altogether. And I know there are tons of people out there who are doing cool stuff that isn’t getting noticed. So I’m working on this program CLC Art Space that hopefully gets people talking more about art and thinking about how to present it in inclusive and less formal ways. Events are going to be based out of the Chapman Learning Commons (in IKBLC), where I work. There are hopefully going to be creative writing and visual art events next term, but the first event is a concert on Wednesday December 10th. If you, a group of people, or anyone you know is interested in playing any kind of acoustic music, send me a message at It is in the library, so sadly we can’t do amplification, but there’ll be a mic and a grand piano available. There’ll be free cookies, hot chocolate, and fair trade coffee, so take a break from studying and definitely check it out .