Wishes. Do you have one?
A couple weeks ago, I ran a few lab exercises that revolve around the use of software to city planning, especially as it pertains to issues of sustainability (there’s even an online version available here).
Anyway, since time was limiting and large part of the exercise was active discussion between students, I took the liberty of asking all the students to write their names and Faculty on a nametag. As well, I thought it would be interesting to ask them to place a single wish on that same name tag. The idea being that perhaps you could get a sense of that person’s character by the type of wish they made. Anyway, here are a few of them:

Of course, many of them were more pragmatic with an emphasis on thinking about their future, such as:

Then, there were the straight of wishes that ask for things fantastic:

Things that were decidely amusing (like a cat?):

As well as things that truly have no hope in hell of ever happening:

We also had wishes that worked with standard wish protocol. Including several “I wish I had more wishes” (all from Science I might add), and this one:

Finally, this list of wishes wouldn’t be complete with at least one of these:

Anyway, given the same request, what would you write down?