Zero Mile Diet Trend A Provincial Hit?

I’ve been scooped!  From the Tyee:

The director of a Vancouver non-profit urban-agriculture group suggests that the eat-local movement may have reached a new tipping point.

“There is definitely a buzz and an interest,” observes City Farmer’s Michael Levenston. “We are busy seven days a week; our classes are full, our phone is ringing. There is certainly a great interest generated in city farming and urban agriculture.”

“Someone here said, ‘This is trendy,’ and trendy can be a good thing,” adds Levenston. “There may be a new generation of food gardeners, and I think that’s very exciting.”

Salt Spring Seeds owner Dan Jason is equally stoked to be riding the home-grown wave. Jason has completely sold out his stock of “Zero Mile Diet” seed kits — a collection of bean, grain, and other seeds tailored to help this region’s people grow most of their own food.

I have to admit, zero mile diet rolls off your tongue a bit better than 10m diet.  Besides, the 10m diet does exclude our neighbours to the south.

I guess “zero mile diet” does roll of the tongue a little easier than my 10m diet, and the zero mile diet does prevent us from excluding our fare neighbours to the south.

Anyways, the notion that a younger generation is taking responsibility for their own food (i.e. gardening) sort of brings a nice, warm feeling inside – sorta like a mix of the warmth from when you were 10 years old and your great grandfather gave you a shot of 40proof Russian vodka to “clear you cold”, and the feeling of a big glass of milk in your lactose-intolerant stomach – well, likely neither of them, but definitely a warm feeling somewhere in between;  that, I am sure of.

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Dave Semeniuk spends hours locked up in his office, thinking about the role the oceans play in controlling global climate, and unique ways of studying it. He'd also like to shamelessly plug his art practice: