Say Goodbye To Science, Government of Canada

Check this out:

On Wednesday, Industry Canada confirmed that national science adviser Arthur Carty would be retiring on March 31, and that the position and office would be phased out[…]

[…]”Having someone in a position to advise the prime minister or a cabinet minister gave me more confidence in the process,” Smol said. “There’s so little of this contact between the scientific community and politicians. If you remove one of those major contacts, I don’t see it as a positive thing.”

What’s sad is, Carty was the first national science adviser in Canada – whose appointment started in only 2004. His job was:

  • To support international research and development activities and to provide advice on global science and technology issues where relevant to Canada’s national interests;
  • To consider how to promote a strong culture of science, technology and innovation in Canada; and
  • To provide advice on how the government can better support and benefit from science conducted inside government.

Alas, how can our country’s government possibly justify permanently phasing out this important position?

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Dave Semeniuk spends hours locked up in his office, thinking about the role the oceans play in controlling global climate, and unique ways of studying it. He'd also like to shamelessly plug his art practice: