The Higgs: A tremendous human achievement

In case you missed it, the CERN physicists made a huge discovery today. The Higgs boson, which some have called “the God particle.” I won’t pretend to cover this complex story, but I recommend that you check out this great NYT article detailing the discovery, and the excitement that surrounded it.

The CERN is a collaborative effort undertaken by 20 nations. It demonstrates tremendous ingenuity, imagination, and intelligence. Peoples of the world are looking to this and rekindling their faith in the human spirit. They are seeing how our insatiable appetite for knowledge continues to move our fragile species forward, unlocking previously unfathomable mysteries of the universe. In short, this is a tremendous achievement and we should all take a moment to be proud. Go ahead, take a moment. I’ll wait.

Done? OK. Now it’s time to revert back to our usual ways: cynicism, pride, sarcasm, and bad jokes.

You announced this great discovery in comic sans? Really? You scientists have no aesthetic sensibility.

That smirk of satisfaction when your 40-year-old “rejected” theory was just proven (via Reddit).

Take that, Stephen Hawking. $100! Where’s my money?

Not everyone has reacted to the discovery in the same way:

Christians are sure not to be impressed, because they already discovered the Higgs. They just call it by a different name, Jesus Christ:

Whether оr nоt thеre іѕ a “God particle,” wе knоw thіѕ аbоut Christ: “For bу hіm аll things werе created: things іn heaven аnd on earth, visible and invisible . . . all things wеre created bу hіm and for him”

The Higgs Boson walks into a church…

This Higgs what? It’s the 4th of July! America, f@$k yeah!

Ronald Reagan, riding a velociraptor.

Gordon Katic (@gordonkatic) has been student coordinator for the Terry Project for over two years, and in that time started BARtalk, and the Terry Project on CiTR 101.9FM. A former Ubyssey columnist, and now a student at the UBC Graduate School of Journalism, Gordon is trying to use journalism to tell important stories about global issues.

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Gordon Katic (@gordonkatic) has been student coordinator for the Terry Project for over two years, and in that time started BARtalk, and the Terry Project on CiTR 101.9FM. A former Ubyssey columnist, and now a student at the UBC Graduate School of Journalism, Gordon is trying to use journalism to tell important stories about global issues.