Show us your Sustainable Gingerbread Houses! #sustainablegingerbreadhouse
A few years back, our blogger Dave Semeniuk asked folks to think a little bit differently when it came to the time honoured tradition of making a gingerbread house. That is: can you make a “sustainable gingerbread house.”
Needless to say, the entries we got were so awesomely full of sustainable goodness, that we simply have to do it again.
So here’s the challenge:
Can you make a gingerbread house where you apply sustainable building design practices.
If you’re game, do take pictures of your masterpiece, and either (1) upload them onto flickr (with the tag “sustainablegingerbreadhouse”); (2) post them elsewhere on the web (but leave a link in the comments); (3) tweet us your photo with the #sustainablegingerbreadhouse tag); or (4) just send the images to my email address (db at mail dot ubc dot ca). We’ll try to collect them as a Flickr set so that you’ve got a nice set to look at in time for Christmas.
For now, if you need a little inspiration, check out some of these entries from previous years.
First, look at this White Green House. Very relevant with the recent activities concerning the Keystone pipeline.
And here are a few more to feast your eyes on. Note that folks usually went the route of showing features such as solar panels, rain collection systems, windmills. However, there were also a few who made their houses using only local ingredients. For us, we’re easy – we’d just like to see what type of environmental message you can bake into your project.