Numb to the Numbers

Research is simply not enough. Although R&D is the root of discovery and innovation, it in and of itself does not exact the change we want in the world. That goes without saying. Yet I feel that in a world where we are inundated with information, we sometimes forget the meaning behind that data. When problems become numbers, we become numb to the facts.

Jonathan Smith, epidemiologist and director of the upcoming documentary “They Go To Die”, believes by eliciting an emotional connection to the people in his film and the problem at hand, it can initiate a charge for action in his audiences. He started by imploring Clint Smith to create a poem that depicts the compelling stories of men who will or have contracted tuberculosis in South African mines. Check this out:

Oh, and if you like slam poetry, check out Francis Arevalo! He opened and closed for TEDxTerryTalks so stay tuned for the release of videos from the conference.

So what motivates you to exact change? How do you go about choosing which organization/cause/philanthropic event you dedicate your time (or money) to?

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