So… What do you think of the new Terry website? (and a call for new bloggers)
Although we’re not completely finished (a logo is on its way for instance), you are more or less looking at the new Terry website. Or in other words, ta da! Which begs us to ask the question: Well, what do you think?
As well, in the upcoming weeks, we’ll also be recruiting some new bloggers. This is the year when we’re really going to try hard at getting some online clout, and therefore, we are looking for folks who want in on this.
If you think this might be interesting to you, do let us know (by maybe leaving a comment?) Generally speaking, we’re interested in folks who gravitate towards the things that Terry tries to engage in (global issues, interdisciplinary connections, student advocacy). However, keep in mind that we’re less interested in writers who are always on message, but more enamored with writers who are simply good at being themselves. This means it’s o.k. to sometimes write about whatever you feel like, polished or not, “terry”-ish or not – in fact, just sharing an interesting link also works, as long as it’s interesting to you, and by proxy, interesting to others. In short, we want Terry readers to get acquainted with our “bloggers” as opposed to the “topics” they like to cover.
In any event, there’s only three criteria to meet: (1) You are a UBC’er – student, staff, alumni, or faculty, all good; (2) you can commit to at least 2 posts a week – note that sharing a link counts as a post, especially on weeks that are particularly chaotic for you; and (3) this is not a Pr/press release-ish gig – in other words, if you’re involved in some organization, and you’re thinking this is “great way to copy-paste text for promoting something or other,” then really now – do you honestly think that that actually counts as something interesting to read?
Anyway, there you have it. Fingers crossed that we’ll get some comments below (from new bloggers and those commenting on website aesthetics alike).
(Image from Toothpaste for Dinner).