Bill C-393 Online Sit-In, March 21st!

Dave Ng posted just a few days ago on Bill c-393. Now we’re gearing up for the Bill to head into Senate…The Conservative dominated Senate. Needless to say, there is every chance that the bill could get killed and that the CAMR will not be reformed. SO- in partnership with Universities Allied for Esseential Medicines (UAEM) we will be hosting an “on-line sit in” this Monday, March 21st ALL DAY.

So what is an online sit-in? Exactly as it sounds, a protest using online tools. We’ll be tweeting, facebooking, emailing (through the online avaaz petition) and calling calling Senators. We urge you to join us as we push our government to make a difference in the fight to access essential medicines.

Still don’t feel like you know enough to advocate for the passing of Bill C-393? The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal  Network has some incredible educational resources here !

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