Yes, you too can get yourself the NUCLEAR WAR card game…
…AND expansion sets!
Seriously, you can still buy it for $29.95. Better yet, there’s a number of extras you can get including (from wiki):
Nuclear Escalation (1983) Adds deterrents and defensive capabilities, space platforms, the “glow-in-the-dark nuclear death die”, and more. Nuclear Proliferation (1992) Each player now represents a different country with unique special powers. Adds submarines, atomic cannons and more. Nuclear War Booster Packs (1995) Booster Packs of 8 randomly packed card from a set of 47 new cards. Nuclear War Bonus Pack #1 9 new countries, warhead cards, a set of population cards, a bumper sticker and a player assistance chart. Nuclear War Bonus Pack #2 — India/Pakistan War Variant (1999) Combines the Nuclear War game with the India Rails game. Weapons of Mass Destruction (2004) More cards for the game including new cards usable as either a missile or a warhead and a Deluxe Population deck featuring characters from Nodwick, Kenzer & Companyand Dork Tower. Nuclear War Bonus Pack #3 Same as Bonus Pack #1 but with new style of population cards from Weapons of Mass Destruction.
I’m gonna have to get a set one of these days to bring to class.