World AIDS Day 2008 coming up: UBC hosts World AIDS Day events – Nov 17th to 21st!
World AIDS Day is rapidly approaching (December 1st), and after months of planning, hundreds of emails and a few minor breakdowns, here’s what the World AIDS Day Committee came up with:
1) Never hold AIDS Day events on the actual World AIDS Day. It’s two days before finals; no one is going to come out to the events, silly!
2) Since everyone enjoys intellectual discussions with local activists, we put on a forum offering just that. And in a stellar, warm and central location- the Michael Smith Labs. So now you have no excuse not to be there.
3) Printing posters is expensive. So don’t be surprised if you see only a few beautiful, glossy ones out there. That does not mean we don’t want you out en masse.
4) Keep with the trend: The city of Vancouver has 95 starbucks outlets, so obviously no event can even hope to be successful without the inclusion of coffee. Therefore, we present a coffee house with music, slam poetry and an ‘AIDS awareness’ silent auction starring our pièce de résistance: Alex, the lubricant bottle.
5) We have a website! Get more information about our events (yes, there’s more) that run from Monday- Friday the week of November 17th-21st, at
Oh yes, our theme- “Human Rights and Harm Reduction- globally and locally.”
So, come on out to the World AIDS Day events, and support our efforts and the campaign for AIDS awareness. This is what we look like, if you run into us on campus: