Terry on the hill. Come say hello at the AMS Block Party.

The Terry project will be setting up on top of the Knoll at the AMS Block Party (April 11th from about 11am to 4 or so), so do come for a visit and say hello. We’ll be pretty informal, but the plan is to have the following on hand:
– A couch (maybe two), a coffee table, and free coffee (bring your own mug). Folks intimately involved in the project, who can hopefully pass on suggestions, take questions, serve you tea, etc. Coverage, as in tent-like things in case the weather sucks – maybe even a heat lamp if it starts to snow (what is with this “non-linear” weather lately?)
– A video camera, large clipboard, an acoustic guitar (although no guarantees that a proficient guitarist will be there). Maybe we can turn it into a project over the day (we’re thinking songwriting and music video?) – if so, we would clearly need help in that arena.
– Some preliminary information about the TerryJam conference (you could even possibly leave a note on the clipboard to say you’re interested, or film yourself in a memorable way). Maybe you know of someone or some group that should be there – here’s a one stop place to make that information available.
– A place to share that awesome Terry speaker idea (we have one confirmed for next year already, but are on the hunt for at least one other – more on that if you say hello).
– What is this ASIC200 course? That which is known as “Arts and Science Integrated Course: Global Issues.” How did the first year go? Did it suck? Was it great? Dave and Allen will be buzzing around the knoll to answer questions. Hopefully some of the 80 or so ASIC students will also be visiting on occasion, and you could pick their brains as well.
– Finally, sadly our Panda is currently in Montreal. We need another – if you’re game, let us know. Always good to work with a biodiverse crowd.
Hope to see you there…