An International Citizen Watch Dog: Youtube?

This is great.

Normally, you think of YouTubers watching pirated versions of their favorite Family Guy episodes, Japanese anime cartoons, or kids falling on skateboards/dogs skateboarding/man getting punched in crotch on a game show/someone attempting to drink 4 gallons of milk/mentos+diet coke explosions/etc. However, lately there have been a number of interesting applications akin to “citizen arrests”: keeping tabs on the police. Although I know I’ve seen other examples, I was only able to dig up with these two of cops harassing skateboarders (here and here).

In a similar spirit, someone in Belgrade has released a video they took of looters taking advantage of the current political storm in Kosovo. Might this incite scorn and shame amongst honest citizens of the region? Well, the million plus views since it was uploaded 3 days ago says volumes. Here’s part of the video’s description:

The first part of the video is happening in a store at Slavija square in Belgrade, Serbia at the time of the torching of a McDonalds restaurant near by, when I by accident recorded these two girls. Two hours later, at Terazije square, I recorded two other girls (“Jesi li nasla broj?”), and shortly after I ran into the blondes from earlier who were emptying a store in Sremska Street. Astonished by their persistence on getting new clothes on a 100% off sale, I decided to further record them.

I would like to thank everyone for their support, and to Albanians, Croatians, Muslims, Germans… Martians and all others who are gloating after this happened, I would like to say that these are only marginal appearances, and that the huge majority of citizens of Serbia are normal and honest people, and I am proud to be one of them.

Here’s some Reuters Coverage

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Dave Semeniuk spends hours locked up in his office, thinking about the role the oceans play in controlling global climate, and unique ways of studying it. He'd also like to shamelessly plug his art practice: