Focus the Nation

Focus the Nation Map

Global warming is a defining issue for our time – and today, is a big day. On Jan 31st, on campuses across the US, Focus the Nation is organizing a national teach-in on global warming solutions for America. Today’s students are the key to real solutions. We’ve got our ASIC200 class tonight, so we’re part of it all too.

If you didn’t get a chance to see the 2% solution webcast last night, you should check it out. It’s only an hour, it’s well produced, and it’s archived on EarthDay TV. This webcast is aimed at college students just like you. The idea is that by appealing to youth, we can crack the “lack of political will” side of these global issues.

We stand at a critical moment in human history…

In the next few years, we as a nation will make, or fail to make, critical decisions regarding global warming pollution and clean technology investments. These decisions will have far-reaching and irreversible impacts on the lives of today’s students and the lives of their children. At this moment in time, we owe our young people at least a day of focused discussion about global warming solutions for America.

Canadians, Americans, whatever, climate change affects all global citizens.

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Joanne often gets really excited when she talks about Science. Luckily, she works in the Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory, the educational arm of the Michael Smith Labs. She likes all kinds of science but has a special spot in her heart for biology, technology, and well, sports. As a scientist and educator at UBC, she hopes that she never becomes so specialized that she loses her global perspective. (When she gets around to writing an intro post, I'm sure that she'll link to it here).