And the award goes to… Canada.
Just got this email about the state of negotiations in Bali and how Canada in particular is weighing in:

International officials and experts have named Canada the worst country in the world on climate change as Canada blocks UN efforts in Bali.
There’s still a few hours left to save our country, and the climate. Let’s get a massive roar of protest to stop this. Sign the petition, below–we’re advertizing the number of signatures in an ad campaign across Canada.
LATEST UPDATE 10:24AM MST – It’s late night in Bali, and there is a special session for countries who have signed the Kyoto treaty to try to move forward on carbon targets. After going silent for a day (we thought we had won!) Canada is again the ONLY country blocking action by the Kyoto group!! Sign the petition, and call PM Harper’s office on 613 992 4211, or the House of Commons toll free on 1 (866) 599-4999 to talk to your MP
Sign the petition here.