Other UBC blogs? I know I’m curious…

Quick query: I’ve just put up a new heading on the sidebar for “UBC Blogs” with links to a few that I know of. Are there any others? If you know of any that are particularly kicka** (or even if you’re hoping to self promote your own) please let me know, because if it looks like the sort of blog that has decent content and is updated with pseudo regularity, I’d like to put a link to it.

Leave a comment or email us. (note, that the blog doesn’t have to be official or anything, just that there is a connection to this school).

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David (@ng_dave) is Faculty at the Michael Smith Labs. His writing has appeared in places such as McSweeney's, The Walrus, and boingboing.net. He plans on using Terry as another place to highlight the mostly science-y links he appreciates. In fact, if you liked this one, you might also like his main site generally - this can be found at popperfont.net.