Posts tagged ‘Obama’

The Problem With the Healthcare Debate

With all the debate going on in the US about ‘Obamacare’ and health reform it is hard for Americans to not make comparisons to other systems.…

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Birthers: Even The Joker Isn’t This Crazy

If your like me then you’re always trying to keep your finger on the political pulse. However, you probably aren’t one of those people (I live…

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Obama and the Bottomless Bailout…

If ‘bailout’ was the word of 2008 then word of 2009 is shaping up to be ‘mistake’. Or perhaps ‘regret’ depending on your political affiliation. As…

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Obama, Science and Jello

Like any virgin I’ve been feeling timid about my first time… especially since I have to do it in front of so many people (potentially), blogging…

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