Designs for a Sustainable World Challenge – Looking for players…


Scenes from last year’s DSW

We interrupt your usual program of environmental discussion and geeky science humour to bring you the following plea:

Desperately seeking someone interested in international development, sustainable design, and/or critical thinking. Preferably someone who had always wanted to be on Junkyard Wars and can get to UBC. Anybody who meets this criteria is asked to accompany me in a romantic quest to solve the world’s problems.

The quest:
1) Come up with a solution to a specific world problem. Your solution must take into account the requirements of your assigned country; consider the community, the culture, the environment, the individual, etc.

*Note: though the ideal solution may not result in a physical device, it may be necessary to simplify matters in order to complete objective 2

2) Build it. You may only use the materials that are provided to you (pretty much just junk we can find/coerce UBC to giving to us), and you have to do it in front of the prying eyes of the UBC campus.

The perks:
1) My undying love
2) Isn’t that enough?
3) Socially responsible prizes
4) Cheap food, live music, awesome people, and an intellectual and physical challenge

The building portion of this competition will take place on Wednesday, March 26, outside of the SUB.
Space is limited.
Visit for further details.
Please email to see if we are compatible.

Want a glimpse of what happened last year? Click here for an edit of an article published in MAKE magazine.

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