A letter regarding the Garden City Lands in Richmond.

Food is a big issue these days – none more so than in Richmond (at this very moment). This letter, in case it’s not clear being part of a Terry blog, is not a UBC or a Terry thing – just a personal thing.

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To: GCL Public Hearings, Richmond, BC

Attn: Richmond City Clerk
Re: Public hearing on the Garden City Lands, 5555 No. 4 Road, Richmond

To whom it may concern

This letter is to state my personal opposition to the City of Richmond’s block application to remove the Garden City Lands from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).

This, I feel, is currently the preferred mechanism that will segue into the allowance of a urban agricultural space to be created – a space that can provide communal, educational, and cultural contexts so that members of the public can engage in sustainable food practices.

This opportunity is founded on the notion that taking the land out of the ALR will more likely result in the land being used for aggressive real estate development. This act, I believe, (good or bad) is one that carries with it a high degree of familiarity. As such, it also represents a direction towards the status quo, which from an environmentally responsible view is arguably uninspired. This letter therefore submits that the space could be better used. And given the central locale of this land and its amenability to agricultural practices, the letter also submits that there is a tangible prospect of making this space something Richmond, and all other involved agents, can be truly proud of – a physical area that takes issues of food security and culture to heart, being designed to engage the citizens of Richmond, the province, Canada and indeed the international community.

This letter does not suggest that such an outcome is easy – it only suggests that the opportunity to create such a legacy is there. Therefore, I implore other members of our community to think wisely before this opportunity is lost.

Yours sincerely,

David Ng

Richmond, BC.

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In a way, this situation has some similarities to what the UBC Farm may be up against. If you have an opinion, send your own letter to mayorandcouncillors@richmond.ca, but note that that the deadline could be as early as today at 5pm.

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David (@ng_dave) is Faculty at the Michael Smith Labs. His writing has appeared in places such as McSweeney's, The Walrus, and boingboing.net. He plans on using Terry as another place to highlight the mostly science-y links he appreciates. In fact, if you liked this one, you might also like his main site generally - this can be found at popperfont.net.