Ozzie Zehner Speaks at UBC on September 28th about Renewable Energy’s “Dirty Secrets” and Green Illusions

Join UBC Reads on September 28th at noon in the Victoria Learning Theatre on the campus of UBC for an engaging discussion with Ozzie Zehner, the author of Green Illusions.

Ozzie’s recent book argues that we don’t have an energy crisis, “we have a consumption crisis”. His book takes aim at cherished assumptions regarding energy. Though we generally believe we can solve environmental problems with more energy—more solar cells, wind turbines, and biofuels—alternative technologies come with their own side effects and limitations. How, for instance, do solar cells cause harm? Why can’t engineers solve wind power’s biggest obstacle? Why won’t contraception solve the problem of overpopulation, lying at the heart of our concerns about energy, and what will?

Register at: http://ozziezehner.eventbrite.ca/

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Rachel is the student coordinator for the Terry Project and is a 4th year in Global Resource Systems. She can be reached at rachel.gutman@ubc.ca