Universities: the old, the new, the sustainable?

Universities have the potential to be leaders in the movement towards sustainability. Find out how they are and aren’t living up to this potential.

You are invited to the next event in the UBC Reads Sustainability, 2011 Lecture Series.

Michael M’Gonigle will speak about his book, “Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University.”

When and where: 7:30pm-9:30pm Friday, March, 4th Room A101, Buchanan Hall, UBC

Cost: Free! (but valuable)

M’Gonigle, co-founder of Greenpeace International, the Sierra Legal Defense Fund and Smart Growth, has a few insights worth hearing about urban sustainability and community-based governance. His book looks at the history and evolution of universities, and the role they have played, and will play, in shaping society. He highlights sustainable initiatives happening on campuses across North America, and how these can be integrated into broader society. He also discuses university governance and democratizing universities.

Universities must focus on answering the questions that arise when we think about what it means to live sustainably, and these answers must involve action as much as conversation. With his experience in social activism and academia, M’Gonigle is a good person to speak on how this can be, and is being done.

M’Gonigle is EcoResearch Professor of Environmental Law and Politics at the University of Victoria and writes about international environmental law, resource management issues, and theories of ecological political economy.

Please register at: http://planetu.eventbrite.com/

Photo from book cover of "Planet U"

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